Cystic Fibrosis Storytime
The Cookie Jar Story Notes and Extras
The Cookie Jar

Written and presented by Sean Hunter
with music by Country Music Hall of Fame member – Charlie McCoy

Talk and Discover
(for parents, teachers and families to enjoy with their children)

What else do you think could have been in Grandmother’s cookie jar?
Why did Grandmother use a cookie jar?
How did Grandmother know what everyone would like?
When do you think Grandmother found the time to make each gift?
What else could Grandfather have made as gifts?
What are some gifts that you could make?
What are some gifts that you have made or baked?
Why was the letter the most cherished gift?
Who would you send a letter of love to?
What would you write in a letter of love?

Learning With Art

Draw a picture of something that may have been in Grandmother’s cookie jar.
Draw a picture of a Christmas cookie.
Draw a picture of some of the ornaments that may have been on
Grandmother and Grandfather’s Christmas tree.
Draw a picture of someone who you think is special.
Draw a picture of someone special that lived a long time ago.
Draw a picture of someone special that you’d like to make a gift for.

Other Stories To Enjoy

The Grinch That Stole Christmas
The Night Before Christmas
Various writings of Cowboy Christmas poetry

Helping To Make The Holidays Happy For Everyone

Visit someone in a hospital, or that is sick at home.
Write a note to someone that you haven’t seen for a while.
Let everyone see you smile.
Help a neighbor in need.

Other Ways To Have Fun

Make a Ginger Bread House.
Make a snowman
(and if you don’t have any snow – be creative – just like Grandmother and Grandfather)

Direct download: Final_Master_-_The_Cookie_Jar.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:18pm EST