Tue, 6 May 2014
Story Notes and Extras The Duck With The Brush
written and presented by Sean Hunter with the art of Will Bulla and a little toot at the end by Country Music Hall of Fame member Charlie McCoy
Talk and Discover
Why do you think Ducky wanted people to eat something that is good for their teeth? Where do you think Ducky went to wave his toothbrush? Why are your teeth important?
More Talk and Discover
What is something that is good to eat and also good for your teeth? What is something you ate today that is good for your teeth? What is something that you can eat, but is not good for your teeth? What is something that you think Ducky would want you to eat? What are some other foods that are good for your teeth? What is something to drink that is good for your teeth? How should you take care of your toothbrush?
Learning With Art
Draw something that grows on trees, that is good for your teeth (and doesn’t have to be cooked) Draw something you can eat that’s good for your teeth and grows in the ground. Draw something to eat that’s a treat for special occasions.
More Talk, Discover and Teeth
How many teeth does a Kangaroo have? What happens if a Kangaroo loses a tooth? How many teeth does a cat have?
Tooth Tips
Brush and floss (twice a day - every day) When playing sports wear and use guards that protect your teeth and jaw. Wear seat belts – they also save teeth.
Extra Credit
Why are some teeth sharp? Why are some teeth flat?
Bonus Questions
What are some other animals that don’t have teeth? What are some animals that grow new teeth if they loose them? How much can an elephant’s molar weigh? What animal has teeth on their tongue?
Books With Ducks
Make Way For Ducklings The Ugly Duckling Make up a name for a book about ducks that you would write – Ie “The Night The Ducks Went Dancing”
And Always Remember
If it’s not good for your teeth, it’s not good for your body. And if it’s not good for your body, it’s not good for your teeth.
And Having More Fun |