Cystic Fibrosis Storytime
The Little Bee That Was always Happy

Story Notes and Extras  

The Little Bee That Was Always Happy


written and presented by Sean Hunter


the music of Country Music Hall of Fame member

Charlie McCoy


Talk and Discover

for parents, teachers, families and children to enjoy


Why do you think the little bee was always happy?

Who do you think are some of the little bees friends?

Which flowers do you think the little bee likes to visit? 

What is one of your favorite flowers?

Why do you think bears like honey?

What are some of the ways you can help bees to make honey?


Learning With Art


Draw a picture of a flower.

Draw a picture of something the little bee might see when 

he is flying in the meadows.

Draw something in a garden that makes you smile.


If You Were A Bee


Who would you imagine might be enjoying your honey?

What flowers would you fly around and look for?

Would you go to a spelling, quilting or apple bee?


Beeing With The Music


When you listen to the story again and the music begins

imagine you can see the little bee,

feel the sunshine and the flowers growing.

When the winter begins, 

the warm weather returns

and again when the little bee is busy

making honey.


And of course,

when you think you saw the bear.


More Talk and Discover


What are some of the pleasures that work (and chores) can bring?

What is something a bee keeper needs to know?

What is something a bee keeper needs to wear?

What would happen if we didn’t have any, or enough bees?

What can you do to protect bees?


Fun With Your Imagination


If you were a bee, who would you imagine was

enjoying your honey?

What is something interesting the little bee might see when

 he is flying around the fields and flowers?


Extra Credit


What are three different flavors of honey?

What are four different types of bees?


Bonus Question


What is a seabee?


Eating Honey


Never give anything with honey to an infant or 

a baby under the age of 01 year. 


Good News


Honey never spoils.


Honey Is Healthy


Regular use of honey can help

relieve and prevent pain in joints,

relief with allergies.

Contains a variety of antioxidants,

helps keep your skin clear,

and a natural choice in the help treating and

prevention of colds and flu.


The Best Honey 


Raw – unfiltered – locally harvested

(within 50 miles of your home)


Charlie McCoy


a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame,

cast of Hee Haw 

and the reason Bob Dylan chose to 

record in Nashville


The music is from Charlie’s CD

Smooth Sailing

the song – “Kyoto By Night”


Extra, Extra Credit



What is the origin of the word bee?


Direct download: MASTER_-_Little_Bee.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:51pm EST