Cystic Fibrosis Storytime
The Night Before Christmas

Story Notes and Extras 


The Night Before Christmas

by Clement Moore


presented by Sean Hunter

with the music of

County Music Hall of Fame member

Charlie McCoy 


Talk and Discover

(for parents, teachers, families and friends to enjoy with their children)


What do you like about Christmas?

What do you think makes Santa happy?

What would you write in a letter to Santa?


More Talk and Discover


What are some gifts you could make for someone?

Who would you ask Santa to remember?

What are some of your favorite Christmas songs to sing?


Learning With Art


Draw a picture of Santa.

Draw a picture of a Christmas stocking.

Draw a picture of one of Santa’s reindeer.


Helping To Make The Holidays Happy For Everyone


Visit someone in a hospital, or that is sick at home.

Write a note to someone that you haven’t seen for a while.

Help a neighbor in need.

Let everyone see you smile.


Other Stories To Enjoy


The Grinch That Stole Christmas

The Polar Express

The Gift of the Magi


Enjoying More Of The Christmas Spirit


Make a Ginger Bread House.

Write a Christmas poem.

Sing some of the traditional Christmas songs and Hymns.

Direct download: master_-_Night_Before_Christmas_-_2015.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:39pm EST