Cystic Fibrosis Storytime
Man In The Moon

Story Notes and Extras


Man In The Moon 


written and presented by Sean Hunter


Talk and Discover

for parents, teachers, families and children to enjoy


Did you know that The Man In The Moon made green cheese?

Have you ever seen any green cheese?

Have you ever seen any green cheese at a party?

Do you think we could send a rocket ship to get some green cheese?

How long would it take a rocket ship to get to the moon?

Would the angels help bring the cheese to the rocket ship?

Has the Man In The Moon ever winked at you?

What is your favorite kind of cheese?

What is your favorite kind of cheese for lunch?

Have you ever had a cheese that is blue?

Have you ever had a cheese that is orange?

Why is cheese good for you?

What do you think the Man In The Moon does during the day?

Does the Man In The Moon ever have a vacation?

What day of the week do you think the cheese is made?

Do the stars stir the cheese during the day or at night?

How many hours – or days – does it take to stir the cheese?

Do they make green cheese while there is a full moon?

Do they make green cheese when there is a new moon?

Do astronauts get to have any green cheese?

Can the Man In The Moon hear the angels singing?

Who do you think asked the Man In The Moon to make the cheese?

What other foods are green?

Do you think that there is a green cheese cake?

What are some foods that you like that are green?

Where is the closest cheese festival to your home?


Just Thinking


If a cow eats grass – why isn’t the milk already green?


Learning with Art


Draw a picture of a cow.

Draw a picture of a star.

Draw a picture of an angel.

Draw a picture of a food that can be red or green.

Mixing Colors

The Primary Colors are - Red – Blue – Yellow

A Secondary Colors can be made by mixing two Primary Colors

Mix yellow and red – and you get orange

Mix red and blue – and you get purple

Mix blue and  yellow  - and you get green

Mix red with green (blue and yellow) and you get brown

Black, White and Gray are Neutral Colors

Mix red, blue and yellow - and you get black

Mix black, red. Green and blue - and you get white

Mix black and white – and you get gray

Mix red and white – and you get pink


More Talk And Discover


What is a gift that you can give that is always free?

What jobs do you have that are important?


Famous Cheeses

(each from a different country)


Comtu - Belgium

Halloumi - Cyprus

 Danablu - Denmark

Chedder – England

Juustoleipa – Finland and Sweden

Roquefort – France

Munster - Germany

 Feta – Greece

Gouda - Holland

 Parmensan – Italy

Jarlsberg – Norway

Gruyere - Switzerland

Colby – United States


Some Healthy Ideas


What types of salads could you put cheese in?

What type of sandwiches could you add some cheese to?

What fruits are good with cheese?

How can you use cheese for breakfast?

How can you use cheese for lunch?

How can you use cheese for a snack?

How can you use cheese for dinner?

How can you use cheese for dessert?

What kind of cheese would you serve a guest?


Did You Know


There are more than 200 varieties of cheese made in the United States.

There are over 1,400 types of cheeses in the world.

(and some reports say that there are over 2,000)

Over 9 billion pounds of cheese is made in the United States each year.

The most popular cheese in the United States is mozzarella.

Cheese was one of the provisions that the Pilgrams took on the Mayflower for their 66 day journey.



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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:35pm EST