Cystic Fibrosis Storytime
The Christmas Farm

Story Notes and Extras

The Christmas Farm

by Sean Hunter

with music by County Music Hall of Fame member

Charlie McCoy

Talk and Discover

for parents, children, families and teachers to enjoy

Why did the farmers want to help their neighbors?

Why is it important to help neighbors?

What are some other ways that farmers could help each other?

How do you begin to help someone?

Learning With Art

Draw a picture of a barn 

of a chicken coop  (or a hen house)

of something you would put on a Christmas tree

More Talk and Discover

What do you admire about the family of the Christmas Farm?

If you were a farmer, what would you share with your neighbors?

Other Stories To Enjoy

The Grinch That Stole Christmas
The Night Before Christmas

Helping To Make The Holidays Happy For Everyone

Visit someone in a hospital, or that is sick at home.
Write a note to someone that you haven’t seen for a while.

Help a neighbor in need.

Other Ways To Have Fun


Make a Ginger Bread House.

Sing some of the traditional Christmas songs with family and friends.

Write a Christmas poem.

Direct download: 27_-_The_Christmas_Farm.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:03pm EST

King Hop A'Tommus

Story Notes and Extras 


King Hop A’Tommus

by Sean Hunter


Talk and Discover

for parents, children, teachers and families to enjoy


Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving?

Why did the Pilgrims celebrate Thanksgiving?

What are some of the blessings that you have had this year?

What are some of the blessings that you had last year?

What are some blessings that you can share?

What are some of the ways to share your blessings?

Besides their health, families and freedom, what else do you think 

the Pilgrims were grateful for?

Who should we thank for our blessings?


Learning With Art


Draw a picture of King Hop A’Tommus

Something you could grow for Thanksgiving.

the “Mayflower”


More Talk and Discover


Why did the Pilgrims come to America?

What risk and dangers did the Pilgrims face coming to America?

What risk and dangers did the Pilgrims face when they arrived in America?

Why was the Mayflower Compact important to the Pilgrims?

In what other countries had some of the Pilgrims lived?

How long did the voyage take to cross the Atlantic Ocean?

How many Pilgrims arrived on the Mayflower?

How long did the Pilgrims live on the Mayflower?

What are some of the ways that you could be like a Pilgrim?

When is Thanksgiving celebrated in Canada?

Who are some famous decedents of the Mayflower Pilgrims?

What freedoms are important to you?


Fun For All


In school – and the week of Thanksgiving – 

have each student select a name that has reference to the Pilgrims 

and place that name on their desk


Extra Credit


Ask each student look up / learn something significant about the name they selected 

and then share that with the class.


Some Of The Names King Hop A’Tommus Saw 




Christopher Jones


Mayflower Compact


Plymouth Rock



John Carver

William Brewster

Mules Standish

William Bradford

Plymouth Plantation


Stephen Hopkins

Mary Chilton (Winslow)

John Alden

Priscilla Mullins (Alden)

Elisabeth Tilley (Howland)

Peregrine White

Samuel Fuller

Oceanus Hopkins

Mary Allerton

Edward Winslow

Cape Cod

Direct download: MASTER_-_King_Hop_ATommus.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:24pm EST

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

by Sean Hunter


a little toot from Country Music Hall of Fame Member

Charlie McCoy

Talk and Discover

for parents, children, teachers and families to enjoy

How do you think Wendy got the idea to make Chocolate Chip Cookies?

Who do you know that has had to move?

How could you make someone new feel welcome at your school?

Why do some families have to move?

What is something that you and a new friend could talk about?

When someone moves how can they keep in touch with their old friends?

What do parents have to know about moving?

If you were moving, how could you help your parents?

How can someone help a friend that has to move?

Could Wendy have made chocolate chip cookies before she moved and given them to friends and neighbors when they said “good bye”?

If Wendy had a brother, could he help make the chocolate chip cookies?

At Wendy’s new home, what do you think was the first book 

Wendy borrowed from the library?

Learning With Art

Draw a picture of something that you would want to take with you if you had to move.

Draw a picture of something that you couldn’t take with you if you had to move.

Draw a picture of something that would need to be packed very carefully.

More Talk and Discover

What is something boys wonder about when they move to a different community?

What is something girls hope to find when they move to a new community?

What clubs, teams or organizations could someone join 

if they moved to your community?

If you had to move 500 miles north of where you now live, how may the weather be different in December?

If you had to move 500 miles south of where you now live, what might be something you could now grow in a garden?

If you moved from the city to the country, what might be different for you?

If you moved from the country to the city, what would you need to learn?

What countries could someone move to where they might have to speak a different language?

If it is one o’clock now where you live, and you went 600 miles East or West, 

what time would it be?

When moving, will everyone and everything arrive at the same time?

Who should parents meet if you move to a new school and neighborhood?


What new safety rules might someone need to know when they move?

In a new community, what might be some animals that you had never seen before, 


what would you have to know about those animals?

In a new home, who will you tell about your families safe place to meet if you have to leave your house or apartment in an emergency?

Making Decisions

What is something that you might not be able to take with you when moving

 that you could donate to a charity?

What is something that you might put into a yard sale?

What are some plans that have to be made once a family knows they will be moving?

At a new home, what work might have to be done before and after you move in?

Moving With Pets

Besides a horse, what are some pets that may not be able to move with you?

Where can someone adopt a pet?

What might be some of the rules and regulations regarding pets that you might need to know in a new community?

Helping A New Neighbor

What is something that someone may need to borrow for a short time when they first move into a new community?

What could you tell a new family about going shopping and places to play?

What might be something that someone might need the first day they moved into their new home?

With Pen In Hand

Write a welcome note that you would give to someone that has just moved to your school.

Pretend that you have just moved and write a note telling a neighbor about you and your family.

Write a note to a friend, neighbor, and teacher telling them good bye and how much you appreciated them.


Chocolate Chip Chunky Cookies 


Makes 16 four inch cookies

1¼ cup of unbleached all purpose flour  (organic)

¾ teaspoon baking power

½ teaspoon baking soda

½ teaspoon sea salt

¼ cup old fashion rolled oats  (organic)

1 cup dried sour cherries – chopped  (organic)


dried cranberries  (organic)

1½ sticks of unsalted butter (made with non-homogenized milk)


3/4 cup dark bitter sweet chocolate chips (organic)

1½ cups packed brown sugar  (organic)

01 large egg  (organic – free range)

1 teaspoon vanilla extract  (organic)

Beginning The Fun

in a medium bowl

whisk flour, baking power, baking soda, sea salt

in a second medium bowl

mix oats, cherries or cranberries, chocolate

in a standing mixer or another bowl

beat butter, sugar for about one minute at medium speed until there are no lumps

add egg and vanilla – beat at a medium speed until all is mixed

add bowl of flour mixture and stir until all combined

then gradually add the oats from the second bowl until all combined

divide dough into 16 portions  (about the size of ¼ cup)

roll each portion into a ball – place on stainless steel cookie sheet about 2½ inches apart

with hands – gently press each portion until about 1 inch thickness 

bake in oven at 350 degrees for 09 – 12 minutes 

at 6 minute mark rotate cookie sheets inside oven –

moving cookies on top oven rack to bottom –

and bottom to top

when cookies have a slight golden brown on edges

and center of cookie is still soft -

cookies are ready 


let cool for 02 - 05 minutes

transfer to a wire rack and let cool completely

 then share with all that you can

store cookies in an airtight container –

and best when eaten within 4-5 days

Direct download: Chocolate_Chip_Cookies_-_Boomer.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:04pm EST

A Far Away Sea

Story Notes and Extras 

A Far Away Sea

written and presented by Sean Hunter

Talk and Discover

for parents, children, teachers and friends to enjoy

What would be a good name for a fish that could go quack, quack, quack?

What would be a good name for a turtle that could swim on his back?

What would you talk to a duck about?

What would you talk about with a whale?

What do you think a shark would like to talk about? 

What are some of the other animals that live in the ocean?

How far is the closest ocean to where you live?

What is the closest harbor to where you live?

How do you think the turtle and fish learned to do tricks?

What else might happen that is fun on the Far Away Sea?

Learning With Art

Draw a picture of a happy, little turtle.

Draw a picture of a whale with two heads.

Draw a picture of a shark with no teeth.

More Talk and Discover

How big can some fish in the ocean be?

What are some of the small fish that you might see in the ocean? 

Are there any fish in the ocean that have legs?

How can you tell if you’ve seen a shark?

 How can you tell there’s a whale in the ocean?

Having More Fun

Draw a picture of a boat that would have a crow’s nest.

Write a poem about the ocean

Write a song about sailing on the sea.

Famous Sea Songs and Poems

My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean


the rhyme – I Saw A Ship A-Sailing 

Famous Sailing Ships




Flying Cloud


HMS Beagle


USS Constitution

USS Constellation

Cutty Sark





Extra Credit

Why is each of the above sailing ships famous?

Extra, Extra Credit

What is the difference between an ocean and a sea?

Where is the deepest ocean?

What countries would you pass sailing from England to China?

How long would it take to sail from France to New York?

What countries would you pass sailing from New York to San Francisco?

How long would it take to sail from San Francisco to China?

How long might it take to sail around the world?

What two canals when built shortened a sailing voyage?

Famous Sea Captains

(and what were their ships)

Sir Francis Drake

John Paul Jones

Capt. Nemo

Stories That Have Famous Fish and Sea Creatures

Moby Dick

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea


Direct download: 01_A_Far_Away_Sea.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:17pm EST

The Pirates of Jamestown

Story Notes and Extras 

The Pirates Of Jamestown


Written and presented by Sean Hunter


Talk and Discover

for parents, children, teachers, and families to enjoy


How deep do you think the treasure chest was buried?

Why is a full moon a good night to look for hidden treasure?

What do you think the people of Jamestown thought they would find hidden?

What did you think might be in the treasure chest?

Where do you think the pirates had been before they came to Jamestown?

How many pirates do you think were on their ship?

Where do you think the pirates went after they buried the treasure chest  and sailed away?

Where could the pirates go and live like the people of Jamestown?

Do you think any of the pirates left the ship and then moved to Jamestown?

What jobs would a former pirate be good at? 

What are some of the jobs that a pirate would have had on their ship?

When do you think the pirates thought the treasure chest would be discovered?

What other surprises do you think the pirates may have left behind?

Where do you think the pirate ship is today?


Learning With Art


Draw a picture of a pirate.

Draw a picture of a pirate ship.

Draw a picture of a treasure chest.

Draw a picture of the Jolly Roger flag.


More Talk and Discover


Why did the pirates think that the people of Jamestown were rich?

In what ways were the pirates robbing themselves?

What is something that the people of Jamestown can be proud of?

What was the real treasure that the pirates had left for the people of Jamestown 

and everyone to have?


A Little Bit of History


What are some names of famous pirate ships?


Extra Credit


How could someone get an idea of what year the pirates may have been in Jamestown?

How did knowing math help the pirates to sail their ship?

 What else would a pirate or any sailor need to know to sail a ship?


Stories About Famous Pirates

(that you can find at your library)


Captain Kidd


Long John Silver


And One More Question


What are some of the other questions to the mystery that still need to be answered?


Direct download: 1-01_The_Pirates_Of_Jamestown.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:50am EST

The Dot That Could Hop

Story Notes and Extras

The Dot That Could Hop

written and presented by Sean Hunter


enjoy the “little” whistle duet with

Country Music Hall of Fame member

Charlie McCoy

Talk and Discover

(for parents, children, family, friends and teachers to enjoy)

Did you know that there was a dot could hop?

Who do you think was the first to see the dot to hop?

How do you think the dot learned to hop?

What do you think was the first book that the dot hopped in?

What color do you think the dot is?

What color do you think the dot was when he came back from the moon?

What is something that the dot may not have hopped over yet?

Using your imagination, where do you think the dot is now?

Do you think the dot taught any other dots to hop?

Do you think the dot has a favorite book?

Do you think the dot can hop while inside a library?

Can the dot hop when it is dark?

Do you think the dot ever hopped over your home?

Where do you think the dog was when the dot hopped over him?

What might be some of the dot’s other tricks?

Learning With Art

Draw a picture of one of the flowers that the dot jumped over.

Make a picture of a fish that is all dots.

Make a picture of a boat or a car where you connect the dots with lines.

More Talk and Discover

Could the dot hop over a football, baseball, and basketball at the same time?

Do you think anything happened to the cat when the dot hopped over him?

Do you think the dot has a name?

Did the dot hop over a full moon or a half moon?

Could the dot hop over a blue moon?

What color truck might the dot have hopped over?

What tiny little bug has polka dots?

Could the dot have been in a church when he hopped over the mouse?

What book will you look in for the dot that could hop?

To Every Child 

    There was a dot that was famous for doing tricks in a book.  The dot could hop from page to page before anyone could look.  The dot was amazing.  This much was true.  And everyone wondered what else the dot could do.

    So the dot hopped over the river, over the pond, over the fish and over the frogs.

It hopped over the birds, over the trees, over the flowers and over the bees.

    It hopped over the cars, over the trucks, over the boat and over the bus.

The dot hopped over the taxi, over the train, over the trolley and over the plane.

    It hopped over the school, over the house, over the barn and over the mouse.

The dot hopped over the cat, over the dog, over the bug, and over the log.

    then over the apple, over the pie, over the cookie and into the sky.

But the dot didn’t stop.  There was more he could do.

    The dot waved “good bye,” and hopped right over the moon.

But don’t go away.  The dot’s already back. That’s one of his tricks. 

        But I know you knew that.

    So look for the dot hat’s cleaver and quick.

            And don’t be surprised if the dot does more tricks.

© - Sean Hunter – 2013

Direct download: 01_The_Dot_That_Could_Hop.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:32pm EST

A Bedtime Story For Dogs

Story Notes And Extras 

 A Bedtime Story For Dogs

written and presented by Sean Hunter

Talk and Discover

for parents, children, family, friends and teachers to enjoy

What stories do you think dogs like to hear read?

What stories do you like to hear read?

Do you think Ruffles would like a story about cars?

Do you think Ruffles likes stories about dolls and bunnies?

Why do you think Ruffles likes to hear stories being read at bedtime?

Do you think that Ruffles has a favorite story?

What would a dog and cat talk about?

Who are some of a dogs first friends?

What are some games that dogs like to play?

What do you think a dog likes to dream about?

How can you tell when a dog is dreaming?

What do you think Ruffles will dream about tonight?

What do you like to dream about?

Do you have to be asleep to dream?

Have any of your dreams ever come true?

What book would you read to Ruffles?

What do you dream of being when you grow up?


Learning With Art

Draw a picture of Ruffles.

Draw a picture of one of Ruffles friends.

Draw a picture of a lollipop tree.

More Talk And Discover

Why do dogs like hearing stories being read?

In what ways do some dogs help people?

What toys do dogs like to play with?

In the winter how many dogs are used to pull a dog sled?

How far can a team of dogs pull a dog sled in a day?

How come there are no windows in a doghouse?

Could you have a birthday party for a dog?

What do dogs like to do on Sunday?

Famous Dogs In Stories

That You Can Read About

 At The Library

Rin Tin Tin

Old Yella


Fun That You Can Have

Write a story for a dog.

Look for a book in the library that you and Ruffles would like.

Make a list of names that you could give to a puppy?

Questions That A Dog

Might Ask You

(and what would you answer)

Do you go for a walk every day?

How far do you walk when you exercise?

What do you do in school all day?

Do you sit and stay when you are told to? 

What do you like to have for treats?

How do you get a library card?

Extra Credit

In the story, there is no name mentioned for the book

being read to the dog.  What title name would you make up for that story?

Direct download: 01_A_Bedtime_Story_For_Dogs.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:50pm EST