Cystic Fibrosis Storytime

Story Notes and Extras.

A Christmas Letter


written and presented by Sean Hunter

With music by

Country Music Hall of Fame member

Charlie McCoy


Talk and Discover

(For parents, teachers, children and their friends)

Why do you like getting letters in the mail?

Do you think there are any books with letters in them?

What would someone write in a letter?


More Talk and Discover

What is the most famous letter written?

Who do you know that writes a good letter?

Can you put a letter inside a birthday card?


Learning With Art

Draw a picture of an old fashion pen.

Draw a picture of a mailbox that a fisherman might have

In front of their house?

Draw a picture of a Christmas stamp.


Being A Good Listener

What is something that the mother told everyone?

What club at school did the son join?

Where did the class go on a field trip?


Extra Credit

What makes a letter important?


Extra, Extra Credit

What replaced the pony express?

What was the first Air Mail route?

Why would someone write a letter?


Bonus Question

Do you think that the letter from the son

to the father could her considered a gift?



Double Bonus Question

What make a dog a good friend?

What do you think was the father and sons favorite Christmas song?


Question for Everyone

How many shapes can a postage stamp be?

Direct download: A_Chrismas_Letter_-_12_9_22_10.00_AM.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:02pm EST

Story Notes and Extras 

Little Susie and The Secret Of Finding The Fish


Written and presented by

Sean Hunter


Talk and Discover

(for parents, teachers, children and their friends)


What bugs do you think fish like to eat?

Why do you think Little Susie likes to fish?

Who do you think taught Little Susie to fish?


More Talk and Discover

Why do you think that as Little Susie grew, 

it seemed that the fish she caught were bigger too?

What do you think Little Susie does with

all the fish she catches?

Do you think that Little Susie could get a job

as a fisherman?


Learning With Art

Draw a picture of a fish.

Draw a picture of something Little Susie needs to have to catch fish?

Draw a picture of something Little Susie needs to wear when fishing?


Being A Good Listener

Why were the fish having a fun, fun day?

What was Little Susie’s secret?

What were some of the places the fish might be hiding?


Extra Credit

What was Little Susie using on her fly rod to catch the fish?


Bonus Questions

What else could you learn in school about fishing?


A Question for Everyone

When is it not safe to go fishing?


A Question For Teachers

And everyone


If you were at Yellowstone National Park

What state would you be in

And what rivers would you be able to fish.

Direct download: Little_Susie_-_And_The_Secret_Of_Finding_The_Fish_-_1_6_22_1.59_PM.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:15pm EST


Story Notes and Extras

The Dog, The Parrot, And Once Upon A Time

written and presented by Sean Hunter


Talk and Discover

(for parents, teachers, children and their friends)

What do you think was the first word

that the parrot learned to say?

How do you think

the parrot learned how to talk?

What would you teach

the parrot to say?


More Talk and Discover

Do you think the parrot liked school?

Why do you think the dog

wanted to help the parrot?

Who else do you think the parrot

saw at the zoo?


Learning With Art

Draw a picture of elephant.

Draw a picture of giraffe.

Draw a picture of a lion that can roar.


Being A Good Listener

What did the parrot say when the mother screamed?

What did the parrot say the dog did?

What did the parrot begin to learn at school?


Extra Credit

What would be a good name for the dog?


Bonus Question

What would be a good name for the parrot?


A Question For Everyone

Who ate all the cookies?


Direct download: MASTER_-_The_Dog_The_Parrot_And_Once_Upon_A_Time_-_3_15_22_1.22_PM.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:08pm EST

Story Notes And Extras

The Snowfish Of Tip Top Mountain

written and presented by Sean Hunter


Talk and Discover

What do you think you would have to do

to catch one of the snowfish on Tip Top Mountain?

How many snowfish do you think

are in the river on Tip Top Mountain?

Which color snowfish would you like to catch?


More Talk and Discover

How many purple snowfish do you think there are?

How big do you think the purple snowfish become?

Besides Tip Top Mountain,

where do you think there might be a snowfish contest?

Learning With Art

Draw a picture of a fish.

Draw a picture of someone fishing.

Draw a picture of something you would wear

when it’s snowing.


Being A Good Listener

What did the children say after they made their first snowfish ?

What are 3 of the colors the snowfish became

when they were swimming in the river?

What was something none of the fisherman could do?


Extra Credit

How much snow do you think you wound need to make a snowfish?


Extra, Extra Credit

Why do you think some of the snowfish turned purple?

Besides a snowfish, what other fish might you see

in the river at Tip Top Mountain?


Bonus Question

What else might a snowfish be able to do

besides wiggle their nose?

Double Bonus Question

What is your favorite fish?

When would you like to go fishing?

A Question (and fun) For Everyone

Using your imagination,

what are 3 names that you would give a snowfish?

And - of course

How To Make A Snow Fish

With the snow form a fish

keeping the snow nice and hard.


place on top of a big snow ball

a tiny snowball (as a pedestal)


then the fish on top.

Direct download: MASTER_-_The_Snowfish_of_Tip_Top_Mountain_-_2_3_22_5.35_PM.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:48am EST