Cystic Fibrosis Storytime
The Night Before Christmas

Story Notes and Extras 


The Night Before Christmas

by Clement Moore


presented by Sean Hunter

with the music of

County Music Hall of Fame member

Charlie McCoy 


Talk and Discover

(for parents, teachers, families and friends to enjoy with their children)


What do you like about Christmas?

What do you think makes Santa happy?

What would you write in a letter to Santa?


More Talk and Discover


What are some gifts you could make for someone?

Who would you ask Santa to remember?

What are some of your favorite Christmas songs to sing?


Learning With Art


Draw a picture of Santa.

Draw a picture of a Christmas stocking.

Draw a picture of one of Santa’s reindeer.


Helping To Make The Holidays Happy For Everyone


Visit someone in a hospital, or that is sick at home.

Write a note to someone that you haven’t seen for a while.

Help a neighbor in need.

Let everyone see you smile.


Other Stories To Enjoy


The Grinch That Stole Christmas

The Polar Express

The Gift of the Magi


Enjoying More Of The Christmas Spirit


Make a Ginger Bread House.

Write a Christmas poem.

Sing some of the traditional Christmas songs and Hymns.

Direct download: master_-_Night_Before_Christmas_-_2015.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:39pm EST

The Prairie

Story Notes and Extras

The Prairie

written and presented by Sean Hunter

with the music of

Country Music Hall of Fame Member

Charlie McCoy

Talk and Discover

for parents, teachers and families to enjoy with all children

How would you like to be a pioneer?

Why were the pioneers celebrating Thanksgiving?

What did the pioneers have to be grateful for?

What are some of the ways the prairie families probably

spent their long winter days?

Name three reasons you would you like to meet

the O’Rourke family?

More Talk and Discover

How do you celebrate a day of Thanksgiving?

What are some of your family’s Thanksgiving Day traditions?

What are some of the traditions that the pioneers

may have brought to the prairie?

What do you have to be thankful for?

Who is someone that has been good to you?

What do you consider to be a sacrifice?

What are some of the sacrifices that the O’Rourke’s probably made?

What are some of the sacrifices that your parents have made?

What sacrifices did your grandparents have to make?

How can helping others make you grateful?

Learning With Art

Draw a picture of a pioneer’s wagon.

Something the pioneers would need to take with them on their journey

An animal the pioneers might see as they traveled.

More Talk Talk and Discover

In what ways is life on the prairie today much the same?

In what ways has life on the prairie changed?

More Talk Talk and Discover – part 02

What states make up the American Prairies?

Why are the prairies important?

Why were the railroads important to the prairies?

Where are the Canadian Prairies?

Extra Credit

What is grown on the Canadian Prairies?

From what nations did the people of the Canadian prairie come?

Extra Extra Credit

What major river did the pioneers usually needed to cross

to get to the prairie?

What were some of the animals that were dangerous to the pioneers?

How long could it take for the pioneers to reach the prairies?

A Question For Everyone

How did the American tradition of Thanksgiving begin?

Enjoy the music and joy of Charlie McCoy

The Song Shenandoah

The melody of the song Shenandoah is one of the most memorable in

Western Folk Music. The song is American Traditional, by an

unknown composer from the romantic period of the 19th century,

and certainly was known to and traveled with the prairie pioneers

Direct download: m_-_Thanksgiving_-_2015_-_The_Prairie.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:45am EST

The Night of the Pumpkin Moon

Story Notes and Extras

The Night of the Pumpkin Moon

written and presented by Sean Hunter


Talk and Discover

for parents, teachers, families and children to enjoy

Who do you think are some of the dogs and cats friends

that can see the Pumpkin Moon?

How do you think the pumpkin is chosen to become the new pumpkin moon?

How do you think the pumpkin got into the sky?

Why do you think only the dogs, the cats, and all their friends

are the only ones that can see the Pumpkin Moon?


Learning With Art

Draw a picture of a pumpkin.

Draw a picture of a Jack-O-Lantern.

Draw a picture with the stars to make the letter W.


More Talk and Discover

If you could see the Pumpkin Moon how would you celebrate?

What songs do your think the cats sing when they see the Pumpkin Moon?

What songs would you sing?

What kind of dance do you think the dogs do?


More Talk, Talk and Discover

What other colors might some of the new stars be?

If you could see one of the pumpkin stars, who would you make a wish for?

Why is it good to make a nice wish for someone?

Who is someone that you have made a nice wish for?


Using Your Imagination

Where do you think the Pumpkin Moon goes when the night has ended?


Extra Credit

What are some famous stars in the sky?


Extra, Extra Credit

What are three varieties of pumpkins?


Having More Fun

With a friend, write a poem about the pumpkin moon.


Bonus Question

How long does it take for a pumpkin to grow?


Double Bonus Question

How big can a pumpkin grow?


Extra Bonus Question

What is the record for the world’s biggest pumpkin?


Being Pumpkin Good

Besides pumpkin pie, what is something that you can make to eat

from a pumpkin?

Direct download: MASTER_-_The_Night_of_the_Pumpkin_Moon_-_21_August_2015.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:45pm EST

Sparky McCloud and the Grand Old Flag


 Story Notes and Extras 

Sparky McCloud and the Grand Old Flag 

written and presented by Sean Hunter 

Talk and Discover 

for parents, teachers, families and children 

What are some of the places you have seen a flag flying? 

Who in your family was born when the Grand Old Flag had 48 stars? 

Where in your community do you always see the Grand Old Flag displayed? 

Learning With Art 

Draw a flag for your family. 

Draw a flag of a country whose flag is also the colors 

red, white and blue. 

Draw a picture of your state flag. 

The Flag and Freedom 

Who are some of the men and women that have made your freedom possible? 

What are some of the sacrifices that freedom requires? 

What are some countries where freedom isn’t always possible? 

More Talk and Discover 

What year was a star added to the American flag 

for the state where you live? 

What year was a star added to the American flag for a state 

that begins with the letter K? 

What year for a state that begins with the letter I? 

What year for a state that begins with the letter M? 


What are some of the shapes of flags? 

What are some ways flags are used in sports? 

What is the difference between a flag and a pennant? 

Where would you find an ensign? 

Who in the US government is honored with a personal flag? 

Knowing More History 

What changes did President Eienshower and Congress authorize 

in the pledge of Allegiance in 1954? 

When is Flag Day? 

Extra Credit 

In what state is Flag Day an official holiday? 

Bonus Question 

What are some other nick names for the American Flag? 

How did the nick names happen? 


Double Extra Credit 

Direct download: M_-_Sparky_McCloud_-_Grand_Old_Flag_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:06pm EST


Story Notes and Extras 


The Little Boat That Liked To Dream


written and presented by Sean Hunter


the music of Country Music Hall of Fame Member

Charlie McCoy


Talk and Discover

for parents, teachers, families and children to enjoy


At the library, would you look for a book about 

a little boat or a big boat?

Where would you like to go on a boat?

What are some different types of boats?

Why would boats (and sailors) talk about the weather?

Because of your size – what is something that you can do

that many other people can not?


Learning With Art


Using your imagination -

Draw a picture of Kimbalena.

Draw a picture of one of Kimbalena’s friends.

Draw a picture of a fish no one has ever seen.


More Talk and Discover


What are some famous seaports?

What are some countries that a boat can sail to

where the weather is warm most of the year?

Why are dreams good?

What do you think it would be like to live on a boat?


Extra Credit


How do you think the little boat got her name,



Ships That Are Now Museums


What US Naval ship in Hawaii is now a memorial?

What year was the USS Constitution commissioned?

What year was the USS Nautilus (SSN 571) decommissioned?

In what state is the aircraft carrier Lexington (CV-16) now moored?

In what shipyard was the "Mighty Mo" USS Missouri (BB 63) built?

What was the average size crew aboard the whaling ship Charles W. Morgan?

Of the three ships involved in the Boston Tea Party, what two replicas are at the 

Boston Tea Party Museum?


More Talk, Talk, and Discover


If you were living during the Middle Ages in Medieval Europe, 

which of the Seven Seas would you like to sail?

What job on a boat would you like to do?

What history of a foreign port would you like to learn?


Extra, Extra Credit


What was the name of the first US Presidential Yacht?

What is the name of the training vessel used by the US Coast Guard Academy?

In what Province is the Canadian Coast Guard College?


More Extra, Extra Credit


In what state would you find a tugboat race?

What was the date of the maiden voyage for the passenger liner RMS Queen Mary?

Who was the Captain of the Endurance when it sailed to the South Pole in 1914?

What famous ferry service is in New York City?


Bonus Questions


What whaling ship is on a US postage stamp?

What was the name of the boat that President John Kennedy commanded?

What was the sister ship to the USS Maine (ACR-1)


Other Ideas For Fun And Learning


Visit an aquarium.

Read a book from the library.

Build a model boat.







Direct download: Kimbalena.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:27am EST

Oscar O’Reily  and the Meicee, Micee, Mousey

Story Notes and Extras 

Oscar O’Reily 

And The Meicee, Micee, Mousey


by Sean Hunter


Talk and Discover


Who do you like to play with?

What games do you like to play that are fun?

How many mice do you think Oscar taught to

wiggle their whiskers, wiggle their toes

and make their ears go up and down?

Can you wiggle your toes?

Can you make your ears go up and down?

Why do you think Oscar wanted to be a teacher?


Learning With Art


Draw a picture of one of the mice.

Draw a picture of one of Oscar’s friends.

Draw a picture of Oscar with his “Happy” smile.


More Talk and Discover


What is something that you could teach someone?

Why was it important for Oscar to be “a cat of his word?”

Do you think there are any more cats like Oscar?


More, Talk, Talk and Discover


Do you know how to whistle?

Do you think Oscar will teach the meicee, micee, mousey

to whistle any particular song?

What would be a good song to learn how to whistle?


Extra Credit


Could Oscar teach the meicee, micee, mousey to make cheese?

What else could Oscar teach the meicee, micee mousey?


Having More Fun


Make up names for a family of cats –

the father, mother, brother, sister and little baby kitten


Having Some More Fun


With a friend, write a poem about mice.

Go to the library and find a book about cats.


One Of The Books That Oscar Likes To Read


Cat Stories - by James Herriot


One Of The Books the Meicee, Micee, Mousey 

Like To Read



The Tailor of Gloucester – by Beatrix Potter


Direct download: M_-_Oscar_OReily_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:55pm EST

The Little Bee That Was always Happy

Story Notes and Extras  

The Little Bee That Was Always Happy


written and presented by Sean Hunter


the music of Country Music Hall of Fame member

Charlie McCoy


Talk and Discover

for parents, teachers, families and children to enjoy


Why do you think the little bee was always happy?

Who do you think are some of the little bees friends?

Which flowers do you think the little bee likes to visit? 

What is one of your favorite flowers?

Why do you think bears like honey?

What are some of the ways you can help bees to make honey?


Learning With Art


Draw a picture of a flower.

Draw a picture of something the little bee might see when 

he is flying in the meadows.

Draw something in a garden that makes you smile.


If You Were A Bee


Who would you imagine might be enjoying your honey?

What flowers would you fly around and look for?

Would you go to a spelling, quilting or apple bee?


Beeing With The Music


When you listen to the story again and the music begins

imagine you can see the little bee,

feel the sunshine and the flowers growing.

When the winter begins, 

the warm weather returns

and again when the little bee is busy

making honey.


And of course,

when you think you saw the bear.


More Talk and Discover


What are some of the pleasures that work (and chores) can bring?

What is something a bee keeper needs to know?

What is something a bee keeper needs to wear?

What would happen if we didn’t have any, or enough bees?

What can you do to protect bees?


Fun With Your Imagination


If you were a bee, who would you imagine was

enjoying your honey?

What is something interesting the little bee might see when

 he is flying around the fields and flowers?


Extra Credit


What are three different flavors of honey?

What are four different types of bees?


Bonus Question


What is a seabee?


Eating Honey


Never give anything with honey to an infant or 

a baby under the age of 01 year. 


Good News


Honey never spoils.


Honey Is Healthy


Regular use of honey can help

relieve and prevent pain in joints,

relief with allergies.

Contains a variety of antioxidants,

helps keep your skin clear,

and a natural choice in the help treating and

prevention of colds and flu.


The Best Honey 


Raw – unfiltered – locally harvested

(within 50 miles of your home)


Charlie McCoy


a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame,

cast of Hee Haw 

and the reason Bob Dylan chose to 

record in Nashville


The music is from Charlie’s CD

Smooth Sailing

the song – “Kyoto By Night”


Extra, Extra Credit



What is the origin of the word bee?


Direct download: MASTER_-_Little_Bee.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:51pm EST