Tue, 27 November 2018
Story Notes and Extras Love On Christmas Day
written and presented by Sean Hunter
with the music of Country Music Hall of Fame and Hee Haw member
Charlie McCoy
Talk and Discover for parents, families, teachers and children to share and enjoy
What makes a gift special? What would be a special gift for you to give to someone? What are some of your favorite memories of winter?
More Talk and Discover
How do you honor each other with love?
Learning With Art
Draw a picture of something you might wear ice skating. Draw a picture of a gift you could make for someone. Draw a picture of a Christmas tree.
Being A Good Listener
What game did Paul dream of playing? What color were Paul’s first pair of ice skates? What did Paul’s father tell him to remember about wearing his sisters ice skates?
A Special Question
How do you treat something as your friend? and How does it bring you much happiness?
From The Kitchen
Ideas For Special Gifts
Bake some cookies. Make a pie. Bake cup cakes and brownies.
Knowing More About Paul
Other Stories For All To Enjoy
Some Other Ways To Enjoy The Holidays
Make a Ginger Bread House. Sing some of the traditional Christmas songs with family and friends. Write a Christmas poem.
Sharing The Holiday Spirit
Text Of Story
Love On Christmas Day
by Sean Hunter
When the sky begins to tell you that snow will soon be upon the ground. It is easy to get that joyful feeling. Christmas Day will soon be here.
And what a special moment the memories of Christmas can be.
The preparing to pick and decorate the tree. The songs to be heard and sung. The soft, warm glow of candles coming from the windows. The cheerful greetings from neighbors and friends. And all the delightful aromas that would soon be coming from the kitchen.
For Christmas is indeed special. For it is a time of joy and honoring each other with love.
And for Paul, all of that was true.
When Paul was a young boy winter was also a time to go skating and dream of playing hockey. Having fun gliding about the ice. Enjoying the fresh air and the delights of the moment. Wearing his sisters white figure skates.
For those were the only skates Paul had.
And that’s how Paul grew up. With hand me downs being common. Wearing those skates each day with pride.
Remembering his father’s kindness and encouragement. “That those are still a pair of skates.” “Treat them as your friend and they’ll bring you much happiness.”
And indeed the skates did.
Then one day on his way to go skating Paul passed the local sporting goods store and stopped to look in the window. The owner seeing Paul came out and asked Paul if he could help him for a moment. That he had a nephew just about the same size as Paul, and would Paul please tell him what he thought about the comfort and fitting of a certain pair of skates.
So Paul tried on the skates and wow! The skates were wonderful. And yes! Any hockey player would be happy to have those skates.
Then off Paul went. To have a good time skating.
And each day as Paul skated Christmas became a little bit closer.
On Christmas morning Paul and his family gathered. For everyone was excited And around their tree with all it’s decorations the family began to celebrate and open their gifts. For Santa had left gifts for everyone.
And with delight and surprise. Tucked away somewhere behind the tree there was one more gift, and it just happened to be for Paul. And Paul began to wonder. What could it be?
And as Paul opened his gift his eyes widened with joy. There was a pair of brand new skates. Just like the ones he had helped the store owner with.
It was now many years later. The snow had begun to fall and Paul was thinking of his father and their memories of Christmas.
Over the years Paul had often thought about his first pair of skates. And each year those skates became even more special. For there were other memories that were to become a part of Christmas that Paul now remembered and cherished. Like his father’s sweaters having patches on the elbows, and how his mother was always clipping coupons. And walking to and from the market, when the bus went right by their door.
And with each of those memories, Paul began to see the love in the many small sacrifices his parents had so willingly made. And now realized the true love and joy of the gift of Christmas Day
© - Sean Hunter – 2018
Direct download: MASTER_-_Love_-_On_Christmas_Day_-_11_26_18_8.30_AM.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:28am EST |
Mon, 29 October 2018
Story Notes and Extras
A Very Special Thanksgiving
written and presented by Sean Hunter
Talk and Discover for parents, families, teachers and children to share and enjoy
What would you like everyone to know what you are thankful for? Who do you know that has served their country? What are two ways to let someone know you are thankful?
More Talk and Discover
How does being thankful help everyone? Who do you know that always says “thank you?” What are you thankful for today?
Being A Good Listener In the story
What foods might be coming from the gardens? What might be simmering on the stove? What might be waiting in the oven?
Honoring Our Veterans
What are some of the sacrifices that someone makes when they serve their country? What are some of the sacrifices a family makes when someone is serving their country? How do our Veterans serve us every day?
Remembering History
What do you know about Paul Revere? What do you know about George Washington? What do you know about the siege of Yorktown?
Remembering Their Bravery
Why did the Marines have to fight the Barbary pirates? What is “Old Ironsides” official name? When was the Star Spangled Banner first officially recognized?
Remembering Their Courage
What are some of the ways woman have served their country? Who was the first women to win the Medal of Honor? What would you ask Reba Whittle if you were to meet her?
Remembering Those That Continued To Serve
In what two ways did Wild Bill Donovan serve his country? In what two ways did Ted Williams serve his country? In what two ways did John Glenn serve his country?
Proudly They Served For Freedom Share in class the history of the below athletes and how they served their country.
NHL Sam LoPresti The “Kitchener Kids” (Milt Schmidt, Woody Dumart, Bobby Bauer) Hobey Baker
MLB Jackie Robinson Yogi Bera Bob Feller
NBA David Robinson Bernard James Mark Silliman
NFL Rocky Bieler “Concrete Charlie” Bednarik Chad Hennings
US Olympians
Louis Zamperini Mal Whitfield Willis A. Lee
Direct download: MASTER_-_A_Very_Special_Thanksgiving_-_10_17_18.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:14am EST |
Wed, 12 September 2018
Story Notes and Extras The Ghost That Got Lost In A Pumpkin
written and presented by Sean Hunter
Talk and Discover
Do you think the ghost knew that they might get stuck in the little tiny, weenie pumpkin? Do you think the ghost likes to sing? How do you think the ghost will get back from the moon?
Being A Good Listener
Name two places the ghost liked to find Jack – O – Lanterns?
What did the ghost say when he first saw the little tiny, winnie Jack – O – Lantern?
What did the dog, the cat and mice say when they found the mystery ghost?
Learning With Art
Draw a picture of a Jack – O – Lantern. Draw a picture of a cat and a dog dressed up for Halloween. Draw a picture of a balloon that can go to the moon.
More Talk and Discover
How long do you think the ghost will be on the moon? What do you think the ghost will do on the moon? What do you like about Halloween?
Extra Credit
What is your favorite day?
Bonus Question
Do you think anyone besides the dog, cat and the mice knew that the ghost had disappeared?
Extra, Extra Credit
Why might they someday celebrate Halloween on the moon?
And Now A Question For Everyone
What would be a good name for a ghost that had been to the moon?
Direct download: MASTER_-_The_Ghost_That_Got_Lost_In_A_Pumpkin_-_9_6_18_9.16_PM.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:31pm EST |
Thu, 28 June 2018
Story Notes and Extras
The Snoring Bear Café
written and presented by Sean Hunter
Talk and Discover
Why do you think the bear was snoring? How do you think the bear knew where the lucky spots were to go fishing? Who do you think caught the bigger fish, Hayden or the bear?
More Talk and Discover
What kind of fish do you think Hayden liked to catch? What do you think is the secret of finding a good place to fish? What do you think the bear was dreaming about while he was snoring?
Learning With Art
Draw a picture of a bear. Draw a picture of a fish. Draw a picture of a bear’s footprints.
Being A Good Listener
Where did Hayden hear the bear snoring? How many fish did Hayden and his father catch? What did people ask when they got to the café? What else did the people say?
Extra Credit
Where would you like to go fishing?
Extra, Extra Credit
What would you like to catch? Where near your home could you go fishing?
Bonus Question
What would be a good name for the bear?
And now, 2 Questions For Everyone
Why is it fun to go fishing?
What are three safety rules about fishing, besides to always wear something that will properly protect your eyes?
Direct download: MASTER_-_The_Snoring_Bear_Cafe_-_6_28_18_9.22_AM.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:08pm EST |
Wed, 2 May 2018
Story Notes and Extras
And The Fish Went Away Laughing
written and presented by Sean Hunter
Talk and Discover
Why do you think fishing is fun? Where would you like to go fishing? What kind of fish would you like to catch?
More Talk And Discover
Why would you like to go fishing? Who would you like to go fishing with? What are some colors fish can be?
Being A Good Listener
What did the little fish say as he went away laughing? What is something all the fishermen knew about little fish? What did the fishermen whisper?
Fishy Wishy Fun 04 What game did the fish like to play with the fishermen? What are some other games the fish could play?
Just A Thought
What do fish have to be thankful for?
Extra Credit
Name three fish you would find in the ocean. Name three fish you would find in a river. Name three fish you would find in a lake.
The Surprise Question
What do you think fish like to dream about when they are not looking for squiggly, wiggly worms?
Learning With Art
Draw a picture of a mystery fish. Draw picture of a happy fisherman. Draw a picture of a house a fish might live in.
Bonus Question
In what waters would you find a dogfish?
Extra, Extra Question
Where would you find a catfish?
Double Bonus Question
Where would find a blue fish and a red fish?
Little Fish Tales (for all to enjoy)
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish The Little Mermaid
Big Fish Stories
Moby Dick The Old Man and the Sea The River Runs Through It Jaws
Fishing Safety
Always wear glasses to protect your eyes when fishing, and when near someone fishing.
When in a boat or fishing in the water, wear a proper life jacket.
Respect the weather – and go immediately to safety at the first signs of possible lighting.
Fishing Etiquette and Laws
Know the local rules and regulations before you start fishing.
The water is not a trash can – Do nothing to endanger or pollute the waters.
Take all debris and used fish line with you.
Direct download: MASTER_-_And_The_Fish_Went_Away_Laughing_-_4_26_18_9.57_AM.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:58pm EST |
Tue, 6 March 2018
Story Notes and Extras The Milk Run Brothers and The Milk Run Song
written and presented by Sean Hunter
Talk and Discover (for parents, family, teachers and children)
Who do you think the judges picked as the Milk Run champion? Which song would you chose to sing? In what way did the songs in the contest have a “touch of imagination?”
Learning With Art
Draw a picture of a cowbell. Draw a picture of a bird singing. Draw a picture of one of the Russellville brothers.
More Talk and Discover
What are some of the contest held in the winter when the snow begins to fall? What do you think is the prize for being the “Milk Run” champion? Why do you think the farmers had the “milk run” event?
Being A Good Listener
What are one of the rules of the Milk Run contest? When was the Milk Run contest held? When the Russellville brothers were performing their song, how were they moving about?
Extra Credit
Name three countries where it snows that might have a milk run contest?
Bonus Question
Name two songbirds you might see some day?
Extra Extra Credit
What two color you might see on a songbird? (and which songbirds they might be)
Double Bonus Question
When do songbirds like to sing?
Double Extra Credit
Write a song someone could sing in the “milk run” contest
Direct download: MASTER_-_The_Milk_Run_Brothers_-_3_1_18_2.32_PM.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:20pm EST |
Sun, 11 February 2018
Story Notes and Extras
Sparky McCloud Goes To An Art Show
by Sean Hunter
Talk and Discover for parents, children, teachers and friends to enjoy
What are some of your favorite colors? What would you like to see at an art show? Why do you think Sparky likes paintings?
More Talk and Discover
What in a painting do you like to see? What is something you would like to paint? What is one of your favorite paintings?
More Talk, Talk and Discover
Why is using your imagination important? When does an artist use their imagination? Besides art, what is something that you can use your imagination for?
Being a Good Listener
What was the first painting that Sparky saw? Where can art take you? How was Sparky going to take the paintings home?
Learning With Art
What is something art can teach you?
One Of Sparky’s Favorite Questions
Who is someone famous you might see in a painting?
The Art of Imagination
Draw a car that doesn’t need tires. Draw a house for a duck. Draw a picture of a happy moon.
The Art of History
Draw a picture of a President. Draw a picture of the flag that Betsy Ross made. Draw a picture of a covered wagon.
The Art of Nature
Draw a picture of a flower. Draw something that grows on trees. Draw something that lives in the forest or jungle.
The Art of Geography
Draw something you would see in a foreign country. Draw something you would see on a river. Draw something you would see at a National Park.
The Art of Fun
Where and when will there be there an art show near you? What are three famous museums you could visit? What are some other types of art besides paintings?
Extra Credit
Ask your mother, father, family, friends and teachers who are the artist that they like.
Direct download: MASTER_-_Sparky_McCloud_-_Goes_To_An_Art_Show_-_2017_-_1_24_18_10.53_AM.m4a
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:35am EST |