Thu, 29 November 2012
Story Notes and Extras
Sparky McCloud and the Christmas Angel
written and presented by Sean Hunter
with a melody of music by Country Music Hall of Fame member
Charlie McCoy
Talk and Discover for parents, teachers, family, friends and children to enjoy
Which ornament do you think is Sparky’s favorite? Which ornament do you think the family has had the longest? Why do you think the family put a star on top of the Christmas tree? What song do you think Sparky sang? What are some of your favorite Christmas songs? Do you think the ornaments sing every Christmas eve? What might be some of the other reasons that Sparky likes the song “Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer?” What are some of the ways to show love? What are some of the ways for you to show kindness?
Learning With Art
Draw a picture of a star. Draw a picture of a snowman. Draw a picture of a candy cane. Draw a picture of a Christmas tree.
More Talk and Discover
What type of tree are many of the Christmas trees? In what country did the Christmas tree tradition begin? With what fruits were some of the first Christmas trees decorated? How many Christmas trees are prepared each year in Europe? How many years does it take for a Christmas tree to grow to be six feet tall? In the music following the story, what ornaments do you think are singing? What are some Christmas traditions for your family? What is something special one of your friends can do? What is something special that you can do? What is a gift that you can give someone that doesn’t need to be bought? What are some of the gifts that you receive everyday?
Other Stories To Enjoy
Helping To Make The Holidays Happy For Everyone Help a neighbor in need.
Other Ways To Have Fun
Make a Ginger Bread House. Sing some of the traditional Christmas songs with family and friends. Write a Christmas poem.
Direct download: 01_Sparky_McCloud_-_and_the_Christmas_Angel.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:41pm EST |
Sun, 4 November 2012
Story Notes and Extras
The Turkey That Wanted To Know What’s Cook’n
Written and presented by Sean Hunter
Talk and Discover for parents, teachers, families, children and friends to enjoy
What do you think it was that King Hop A’Tommas smelt cook’n? What do you like to smell cook’n? If you had a garden, what would you grow for Thanksgiving? What is something good to make for Thanksgiving diner? Who would you invite to celebrate Thanksgiving with you? Why is it good to be thankful? What do you have to be thankful for? What are some of the blessings that you receive each day? What are some of the ways your family celebrates Thanksgiving? What are some of the ways that you can help celebrate Thanksgiving? Why do you think the Pilgrims had a day of Thanksgiving? What does King Hop A’Tommas have to be thankful for?
Learning With Art
Draw a picture of King Hop A’Tommas. Draw a picture of a pilgrim. Draw a picture of one of King Hop A’Tommas’s friends.
More Talk and Discover
How fast can a turkey run? How fast can a turkey fly? Where do turkeys sleep? What sound do turkeys make when they talk? What is something that you could pop or roast around a fireplace on Thanksgiving? Why is the moth of November a good time to celebrate Thanksgiving? Where did the Pilgrims celebrate their first Thanksgiving? In what year did George Washington first declare a national day of Thanksgiving? When did Abraham Lincoln declare Thanksgiving as a holiday? When is Thanksgiving celebrated in Canada? |
Fri, 7 September 2012
Story Notes and Extras The Cat and the Dog Written and presented by Sean Hunter Talk and Discover (for parents, teachers and children to enjoy) How does a dog say “hello?” Do you know a cat and a dog that are friends? What are some of the ways a cat says “hello?” What games do you think dogs like to play? Why is it good to have fun? Why is it good to laugh? What games do you like to play? Have you ever played checkers? What kind of dance do you think cats can do? Learning With Art Draw a picture of a circus hat that a dog might wear. Draw a picture of a wig that a cat might wear. Draw a picture of a bike that a cat and dog might ride. More Talk and Discover What do you think a dog and a cat talk about? Who are some of the dog and cat’s friends? What do you think is a good name for a dog? What do you think is a good name for a cat? What do you think is a good nick name for a dog and a cat? Being Friends What are some of the ways to be a friend? Why is being a friend important? Why is trust important? What are some ways for friends to have fun? How can friends help each other? What are some of the ways you make new friends? Where are some of the places you make and meet friends? What are some of the places you would invite a friend to join you? More About Friends Which of your friends smiles? How do you show respect to a friend? How do you show respect to anyone? What makes you happy? What makes your friends happy? Why is it important to be happy where you are? Why is it important to be happy with what you have? More About Cats Can cats do tricks? What do cats like to eat? What foods should you never give a cat? What is something that cats don’t like to do? What is something that kittens like to play with? What are some “cats” that you might see at a zoo? More About Dogs What are some tricks that dogs can do? What are some of the ways to take care of a dog? What are the foods that you should never give a dog? Are all dogs friendly? What should you know about a dog before you play with them? What is something that a puppy needs to learn? Being Good Cats and Dogs What are some of the ways that dogs help people? What are some types of dogs famous for? Who are some famous dogs? What are some books that you can borrow from the library about dogs? What are some books that the library has about cats? What book did Dr. Seuss write about a cat? What short story did Eric Knight write about a dog that became a novel, movie, radio and TV show? And A Little of This and A Little of That Who had a dog named “Checkers”? Where is “Chequers” in England? Beside “Big Mama” Thornton, who are some of the people that sang, “Hound Dog?” Who was the first cartoon cat? What model car has the same name as a breed of dog? Extra Credit What type of cat would you find on the Isle of Man? What type of dog might you see in Switzerland? James Herriot wrote many books, what was his everyday job? @@@@@@@@@@@ Who have you met while playing? How do you make friends happy? |
Mon, 2 July 2012
Story Notes and Extras The Flower That Didn’t Want To Grow Written and presented by Sean Hunter with the art of Will Bullas Talk and Discover for parents, teachers families and children to enjoy What is your favorite flower? What is your favorite color of a flower? Have you ever seen a flower smile? Why is it good to grow? Why do you think the little seed didn’t want to grow? Who do you know that likes flowers? What are some of the ways that flowers make people happy? Why do you like flowers? What is a good time to give someone flowers? What are three different flowers that you could put in a bouquet? What is a name of a flower that begins with D? What is a name of a flower that begins with R? Where would you find wild flowers? What is the state flower of Texas? What is the state flower of where you live? What do you think is a pretty flower? What is a flower that smells pretty? Using Your Imagination What do you think is a dogs favorite flower? What mountains do you think the eagle told the flowers about? Who are some of the other animals that might talk to the flowers? Learning With Art Draw a picture of a flower you like. Draw a picture of a flower that you may grow some day. Draw a picture of a flower that begins with a T. Draw a picture of a flower that is red. Draw a picture of a flower that is blue. Draw a picture of a flower that can grow to be tall. Draw a picture of what you think the little seed looked like when it became a flower. More Talk and Discover Where would you find a greenhouse? How do flowers get their names? What are some of the flowers that grow in the fall? Name a flower or plant that grows in the desert? What are some of the flowers that grow near the ocean and along the beaches? What are some of the flowers that you would find in the woods? How old do scientist think some flowers are? What are some flowers that are used for medicine? How many species of flowers are there? How many varieties are there of some flowers? The Green Thumb Club What are some flowers that don’t need a lot of water? What are some flowers that need to be frequently watered? What flower might you wait to plant until after the last frost? What are some flowers that you plant before winter begins so they will bloom in the spring? What are some flowers that you grow from a seed? Name a flower that you grow from a bulb? Extra Credit What flower has a name that is made of two words? What is a flower with the name “cat” in it? What is something that has to be grown, pronounced the same as “flower” but is spelt differently? What is something with wings that needs flowers to make honey? What flower is on the Hong Kong flag? What are some flowers that you would find on a Canadian stamp? What flowers are on the Austrian Euro coins? What is the national flower of Scotland? Why did Scotland chose that flower? Some Interesting Facts Broccoli is both a vegetable and flower. Sunflower stocks were once used for life jackets. Egyptian soldiers are thought to be the first to collect flowers from other lands. learn more about Will Bullas and his art by going to HYPERLINK ""
Direct download: M_-_The_Flower_That_Didnt_Want_To_Grow.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:24pm EST |
Tue, 1 May 2012
Story Notes and Extras The Jelly Bean Tree written and presented by Sean Hunter Talk and Discover (for parents, teachers, children and families to enjoy) Where do you think you would find a cotton field with a jelly bean tree? How many people do you think know about the jelly bean tree? What animals might know about the jelly bean tree? What color is your favorite jelly bean? How tall do you think the jelly bean tree can grow? Which color jelly bean do you think grows the fastest? Which color jelly beans do you think likes to grow at night? Which color jelly beans do you think people pick first on a foggy, foggy day? Who do you think helps Farmer Cotton pick jelly beans? Does the jelly bean tree need rain and sunshine to grow? How many jelly beans could you put into a jelly bean bag? How many jelly beans might be in a jelly bean sandwich? In what ways might a restaurant use a jelly bean? How high could a jelly bean from the jelly bean tree jump? How far could a jelly bean from the jelly bean tree jump? Can some jelly beans jump further than others? (if so, which ones?) Do you think the jelly beans from the jelly bean tree have jumping contest? What is a good song for the jelly beans to dance too? Is there a special jelly bean dance? Do you think a jelly bean has ever been to the moon? What other tricks do you think Farmer Cotton’s jelly beans can do that no one knows about? Using Your Imagination Draw a picture of a jelly bean truck. Draw a picture of Farmer Cotten. Draw a picture of the jelly bean tree. More Talk and Discover How many jelly beans do you think would be in a one quart jar? How many jelly beans do you think would be in a tea cup? If you had 144 jelly beans from the jelly bean tree, how many do you think would be red? If you had 72 jelly beans from the jelly bean tree, how many do you think would be blue? If you had 48 jelly beans from the jelly bean tree, how many do you think would be green? If you had 36 jelly beans from the jelly bean tree, how many do you think would be purple? Learning With Art Draw a picture of a jelly bean cookie. Draw a picture of a jelly bean house. Draw a picture of a jelly bean in your favorite flavor. |
Mon, 12 March 2012
Story Notes and Extras Trains, Boats and Planes written and presented by Sean Hunter with a special appearance by Country Music Hall of Fame member Charlie McCoy Talk and Discover for parents, teachers, children and friends to enjoy together If you were on a train, boat or plane, where would you like to go? Who would you like to go with you on an airplane? Which would you like to be, the captain of a ship, the pilot of an airplane or an engineer on a train? What is something that a pilot of an airplane needs to know? What is something that a captain of a ship needs to be ready for? What is something that an engineer of a train looks for? How does weather effect trains, boats and planes? Learning With Art Draw a picture of a boat that might carrying gold. Draw a picture of a boat with a paddle wheel Draw a picture of a train that an elephant and giraffe could ride on. Draw a picture of an airplane that has an open cockpit. More Talk and Discover What was the real name of “Old Ironsides?” What are some famous seaports? What are two major seaports in the United States, Europe, and South America? What is the closest seaport to where you live? In what country was the first train made? Who were some of Hollywood’s famous movie stars in the 1950’s? How long would a trip on a train from California to Chicago take, and what states would the train pass through? What type of wheels did the Wright Brothers use on the first airplane? What are some famous castles? How far would you have to travel from your house to a famous castle? Being Creative Plan a trip on an airplane from where you live to another country and then transfer to a final destination where only a seaplane can land. Plan a trip on a train that will take at least 24 hours and will pass through at least one capital city, Plan a trip on a boat that will take you across the equator. More Talk, Discover and Fun Who were some famous sailors of ancient times? Who were some famous sailors that explored the world? What do steam engines on trains need for fuel? How fast can some trains go? When were diesel engine trains first used? When did railroad companies begin using electric engines? What are some famous railroad companies? What are some famous railroad lines? From what city in California did the Super Chief begin it’s journey? What are some of the jobs on a train? On a train who rides in the caboose? What is a good name for a fast clipper ship? Extra Credit How do you think the schooner got its name? Where would you find the “Spirit of St. Louis” today? In which of the Seven Seas is the weather usually warm? On which continent won’t you find a train? Who are some famous pirates? Why was Ernest Shackleton a hero? In Paris what language do they speak? In Istanbul what language is spoken? Where is the closet seaport to Moscow? Using Your Imagination Draw a picture of an airplane that can land on the moon. Draw a picture of a ship that could also be a submarine. Draw a picture of something that could ferry a train across water. Books And Songs That Can Be Enjoyed and that you can get at a library The Little Engine That Could Thomas The Tank Engine Songs I’ve Been Working On The Railroad She’ll Be Conin’ Around The Mountain Charlie On The MTA Chattanooga Choo Choo To Know and Enjoy More About Charlie McCoy |
Wed, 18 January 2012
Sparky McCloud Meets A NHL Referee
written and presented by Sean Hunter with a “little” whistle from Country Music Hall of Fame member – Charlie McCoy
Talk and Discover an opportunity for parents, coaches, teachers to share with children and friends
What do you admire about someone like Paul Stewart? Why are teammates important? In what ways should you treat a teammate like they were your brother or sister? How should you treat someone from another team? How is being on a team like being a part of a family? In what ways is a referee like a parent?
More Talk and Discover
Why are rules important in sports? Why are rules important at home and in a community? How do you treat someone with dignity? How do you offer respect? What are some of the best ways to encourage someone? What are some of the ways you can be a role model at all times? What are some of the ways to help others succeed? When (and where) can you volunteer without being asked? What are some of the values that your family has given you? What are some of the standards and values that you will give to your children? What are some of the ways sports helps you to be a better person?
More Talk, Discover and Growing
What are some of your goals in school and sports? What are some of your hopes for everyone in your family? What extra effort and work might you have to do to work toward your goals? Which job is more important – a lawyer or a teacher? - a soldier or a doctor? an electrician or an athlete? Which should be more important – the job or the person? As an athlete, what should you say “no” to. As a student, what should you be doing every day?
Continuing To Grow
What are some of the ways someone can be selfish? What problems happen at home, and to a team, when someone is selfish? How should a coach, teacher and parent treat or discipline someone who is selfish? What are some of the chores that teach respect and responsibility? What makes someone a good role model? Who is someone that can be your mentor? Why is discipline good? What is the difference between discipline and self discipline? What is your definition of success? In what ways can you be a better teammate?
A Question For Everyone
What rules do you think Paul Stewart’s parents had for Paul to follow when he was growing up?
Direct download: 01_Sparky_McCloud_-_Meets_Paul_Stewart.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:03pm EST |
Wed, 4 January 2012
Story Notes and Extras Snowball – The Lucky Cat An Imagination Story written and presented by Sean Hunter with the music of Country Music Hall of Fame member Charlie McCoy Talk And Discover (for parents, teachers, family, friends and children) Why is Snowball a lucky cat? Where would you like to spend a whole winter? What do you like about winter? In what country do you think this stories Catnip Mountain is? Do you think that dogs are allowed at Catnip Mountain? What kind of dogs do you think you would find at a winter mountain? What are some of the birds that you might find at Catnip Mountain in the winter? What colors might the birds be? What other animals might you find in the woods during the winter at Catnip Mountain? What animals might return to the woods at Catnip Mountain when the weather is warm? What do you think happens at Catnip Mountain when the weather is warm? Do you think people go camping and hiking at Catnip Mountain in the winter? Learning With Art Draw a picture of a cat that might look like Snowball – The Lucky Cat. Draw a picture of a sled. Draw a picture of a sleigh. Draw a picture of one of Snowball’s friends. Draw a picture of a snowshoe. Draw a picture of a snowman. Draw a picture of a snowflake Draw a picture of something you might wear to keep warm in winter? More Talk and Discover How many barrels do you think some skaters can jump? How big do you think some of the barrels are? How big do you think some of the fish are that are caught at Catnip Mountain pond? Do you think the fish in Catnip Mountain Pond are bigger in the winter than they are in the summer? Do you think there are any penguins at Catnip Mountain pond? More Talk and Discover What songs would you sing around a fireplace? What books would you like to read if you were at the Catnip Mountain Lodge? What foods might be nice to eat around the fire at Catnip Mountain Lodge? What are some songs about winter? What are some books about winter? More Talk and Discover What Olympic events could be held at Catnip Mountain? Who are some famous Olympians that might like to visit Catnip Mountain? How high would a mountain have to be to reach into the average clouds? What are the names of some famous castles? In what countries are some of the most famous castles? Where in the world does it snow more than 50 inches of snow each year? On what continents are some of the coldest places in the world? What are some of the mountains in the world that reach above the clouds? More Talk and Discover & Music The first song is John Henry – look up the story of the famous folklore legend. What kind of work did John Henry do? In the song what does the music make you feel is happening? What other ideas does the music give you? What are some other famous American folklore legend stories? In the second song what instruments do you hear being played? Which of those instruments are in your school band and orchestra? Are the voices like an instrument? Shenandoah is the name of the third song, in what century is it thought that the song Shenandoah was written? What do you think inspired the writing of the song? Why do you think the song has been popular all these years? In what states is the Shenandoah Valley? What songs and music honor or are about the community and area where you live? ~ ~ ~ To know more about Country Music Hall of Fame member Charlie McCoy Go to the following links HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" |