Mon, 6 July 2015
Story Notes and Extras Sparky McCloud and the Grand Old Flag written and presented by Sean Hunter Talk and Discover for parents, teachers, families and children What are some of the places you have seen a flag flying? Who in your family was born when the Grand Old Flag had 48 stars? Where in your community do you always see the Grand Old Flag displayed? Learning With Art Draw a flag for your family. Draw a flag of a country whose flag is also the colors red, white and blue. Draw a picture of your state flag. The Flag and Freedom Who are some of the men and women that have made your freedom possible? What are some of the sacrifices that freedom requires? What are some countries where freedom isn’t always possible? More Talk and Discover What year was a star added to the American flag for the state where you live? What year was a star added to the American flag for a state that begins with the letter K? What year for a state that begins with the letter I? What year for a state that begins with the letter M? Flags What are some of the shapes of flags? What are some ways flags are used in sports? What is the difference between a flag and a pennant? Where would you find an ensign? Who in the US government is honored with a personal flag? Knowing More History What changes did President Eienshower and Congress authorize in the pledge of Allegiance in 1954? When is Flag Day? Extra Credit In what state is Flag Day an official holiday? Bonus Question What are some other nick names for the American Flag? How did the nick names happen?
Double Extra Credit
Direct download: M_-_Sparky_McCloud_-_Grand_Old_Flag_1.mp3
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