Cystic Fibrosis Storytime
The Bank That Gave Away Money

Story Notes and Extras
The Bank That Gave Away Money

written and presented
by Sean Hunter

for parents, teachers, children and families to enjoy

Talk and Discover

What would you do if you had as much money as a bank?
Where would you want to live?
Who would you like to help?
What could you do to help someone?
How could you help someone without them knowing that it was you?
Have you ever needed help?
How do you know when someone needs help?
What might be something that you’ll need help with sometime soon?
Can a smile help someone?
Is listening a way to help someone?
Is it OK to ask for help?
Who are your friends?
How do you stay friends with someone?
How do you know when someone needs a friend?
What are some of the reasons that someone might need a friend?
Would someone need a friend when it’s snowing?
Would someone need a friend when they were in the hospital?
How would you help someone who needed a friend?

Learning With Art

Draw a picture of a bank.
Draw a picture of something that someone might need.
Draw a picture of flowers blooming.
Draw a picture of Mr. Money Money.
Draw a picture of something that you might give to someone.

More Talk and Discover

If you help someone, do they then need to help you?
Why are people sometimes mean?
How can you be someone’s friend when they’re new at your school?
What are some of the ways to be a friend to someone on your team?
Do dogs and cats need friends?
What are some of the animals that are not good friends?
What are some of the organizations that help people when
the weather or fire has destroyed their home?
What do people need when there has been a tragedy?
What are some types of tragedies?
How old do you need to be to help someone?
How old do you need to be to be a friend?
What does the word volunteer mean?
Where and when can you volunteer?

Direct download: master_-_Mr._Money_Money_-_25_Feb_10.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:22pm EST